tanda 9

Mark 9:1

And Jesus was saying to them, “Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power.”

(a) Will not taste death. All of the disciples, except Judas, would be alive to see the Son of Man ascending into heaven and coming into his kingdom. Peter saw it and later wrote, “We were eyewitnesses of his majesty” (2 Pet. 1:16).

Bacaan lebih lanjut: "They will not taste death

(b) The kingdom of God on earth is synonymous with the Body of Christ or the church. Jesus is speaking of Pentecost when the church received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. For more on the kingdom of God/heaven, see masuk for Matt. 3:2.

Mark 9:4

Elijah appeared to them along with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus.

Moses and Elijah. The Mount of Transfiguration was like a stage play with three characters. On one side stood Moses and Elijah, representing the law and the prophets.

Mark 9:5

Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; let us make three tabernacles, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

The disciples marveled to see these two pillars of the old covenant talking with Jesus. But this was no cast of equals, for the spotlight shone only on one (see verse 7).

Markus 9:7

Kemudian awan terbentuk, menaungi mereka, dan sebuah suara keluar dari awan, "Inilah Anak-Ku yang Kukasihi, dengarkan Dia!"

(a) Putraku terkasih. Suara surgawi mengulangi pesan yang didengar pada saat pembaptisan Kristus. Lihat masuk for Matt. 3:17.

(b) Listen to Him. Initially, all three actors spoke. Then the Director of the transfiguration play gave his instruction: “Listen to Jesus.” What happened to Moses and Elijah? They exited stage left, leaving the Son of promise to stand alone. The ministries of Moses and Elijah were glorious, but theirs was a fading glory. They could not share the stage with the more glorious ministry of Jesus. By the mandate of heaven, Jesus, the new covenant messenger, speaks alone.

Markus 9:18

dan kapan pun itu menangkapnya, itu membantingnya ke tanah dan mulutnya berbusa, dan menggertakkan giginya dan menjadi kaku. Aku menyuruh murid-murid-Mu untuk membuangnya, dan mereka tidak dapat melakukannya.”

Mereka tidak bisa melakukannya. The disciples had experience casting out demons (Mark 6:13), but failed to deal with this one. When they asked Jesus about it later, he said “This kind cannot come out by anything but prayer” (Mark 9:29).

Prayer reminds us who is on the throne. Instead of lifting up the name of Jesus, these disciples had been arguing with the scribes (Mark 9:14). They had been contending in the flesh instead of walking by faith.

Mark 9:19

And He answered them and said, “O unbelieving generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him to Me!”

O unbelieving generation. Few things anger the Lord like unbelief (Luke 24:25).

Markus 9:22

“Itu sering melemparkannya ke dalam api dan ke dalam air untuk menghancurkannya. Tetapi jika Anda dapat melakukan apa saja, kasihanilah kami dan bantu kami!”

(a) Pity. The original word for pity (splagchnizomai.dll) is normally translated as compassion. This word appears a dozen times in the New Testament and in every case it is associated with the divine compassion revealed in Jesus Christ. See masuk for Compassion.

(b) Bantu kami! Like the Canaanite woman who cried to Jesus for help (Matt. 15:25), this man knew that God sent Jesus to help us. See masuk for Heb. 13:6.

Markus 9:24

Segera ayah anak itu berteriak dan berkata, “Saya percaya; membantu ketidakpercayaan saya.”

(a) Saya percaya. Pria ini adalah seorang yang beriman. Dia telah melihat atau mendengar cerita tentang pelayanan penyembuhan dan pembebasan Tuhan. Namun imannya menjadi tidak efektif oleh ketidakpercayaan.

(b) Ketidakpercayaan. Sang ayah telah melihat gejala anak sejak kecil dan dia telah meminta bantuan kepada murid-muridnya, tetapi ini hanya menambah ketidakpercayaannya. Dia harus mengarahkan pandangannya pada Tuhan.

(c) Membantu. For a second time, the man cries out to the Lord for help (Mark 9:22). Shamelessly asking God for help in our time of need is one way we receive grace (Heb. 4:16).

Markus 9:26

Setelah menangis dan membuatnya kejang-kejang yang mengerikan, dia keluar; dan anak laki-laki itu menjadi sangat mirip mayat sehingga kebanyakan dari mereka berkata, “Dia sudah mati!”

Kebanyakan dari mereka berkata. Ketika Anda berjalan dengan pandangan Anda akan mendengar segala macam laporan negatif. “Ini tidak bisa disembuhkan.” "Urus urusanmu." "Dia meninggal." Tetapi mereka yang berjalan dengan iman melihat ke Dokter Yesus untuk melihat apa yang dia katakan.

Markus 9:29

Dan Dia berkata kepada mereka, "Jenis ini tidak bisa keluar dengan apa pun kecuali doa."

Doa. Jesus is not saying we need to pound heaven with our prayers or that we need to pray ourselves into a lather. Don’t babble on like those who think they will be heard for their many words (Matt. 6.7). Prayer is as much about what we see rather than what we say. Paul prayed that the eyes of our hearts may be opened (Eph. 1:18). Prayer helps us see as Jesus sees. Prayer reminds us Who is on the throne.

Mark 9:41

“For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because of your name as followers of Christ, truly I say to you, he will not lose his reward.

(a) A cup of water. To serve a Christian is to serve Christ himself. Even small acts of kindness are noticed.

(b) Followers of Christ. Jesus is not describing acts of Christian service but acts of service done to Christians. “Anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ” (Mark 9:41).

(c) His reward is Jesus.

Jesus is not saying that God rewards small acts of kindness (how? with what?). He is describing acts of kindness done to the least of his disciples. He is continuing the theme he began in verse 40: He who receives you, receives me, and he who receives a righteous man, receives a righteous man’s reward. The only thing that has changed is the word receives. Showing even a small kindness to a disciple is the same as receiving them and he who receives you, receives me.

On that day when the King will separate the sheep from the goats there will be some who are surprised to be numbered among the righteous. “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?” And the King will reply “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matt. 25:37–40).

When Saul persecuted the Christians, Jesus said “You are persecuting me” (Acts 9:5). Acts of harm done to Christians were reckoned by Christ as though they were done to him. In the same way acts of kindness done to Christians because they are Christians are reckoned by Christ as though they were done to him. “Because you receive them in my name, I will receive you.”

Mark 9:42

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea.

(a) Whoever causes. Jesus is talking about religious-types who preach dead works and cause Christians to have doubts about the grace of God (e.g., the Judaizers). An example would be the Jews from the circumcision group who caused Peter withdrew from the Gentiles and come under condemnation. Thankfully, Paul was able to bring Peter back. “I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned” (Gal. 2:11).

(b) Little ones. A believer. Someone who depends on the Lord like a helpless child (see Matt. 18:3–4).

(c) Stumble or offend.

(d) Millstone. Tying weights to people’s necks and drowning them was something the Romans did in special cases of infamy. Jesus is basically saying, “Because the business of saving lives is such a serious business, whoever sidelines an ambassador of mine does incalculable harm.”

Bacaan lebih lanjut: "The one about the millstone and the sea

Markus 9:43

“Jika tanganmu membuatmu tersandung, penggallah; lebih baik bagimu masuk ke dalam hidup dengan timpang, dari pada dengan kedua tanganmu masuk ke neraka, ke dalam api yang tak terpadamkan,

(a) Potong itu; Lihat masuk for Matt. 5:30.

(b) Masuki kehidupan. Dua jenis kehidupan dijelaskan dalam Alkitab; itu psuche– atau kehidupan jiwa yang kita warisi dari Adam dan zoe– or spirit life that comes from God (John 5:26). It’s the second kind of life that is described here. To enter life is synonymous with entering the kingdom (Mark 9:47).

Lihat masuk untuk Hidup Baru.

(c) Neraka; Lihat masuk for Matt. 5:22.

(d) api yang tak terpadamkan; lihat ayat berikutnya.

Markus 9:44


(a) Cacing. This strange quote about worms, which is only recorded in Mark’s Gospel, comes from Isaiah’s prophecy on the final judgment of the Lord (see Is. 66:24). After Judgment Day, those who rebel against the Lord will be dead (“they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me”), but the worms or maggots which feed upon them will not die.

(b) Api tidak padam. The insatiable maggots and the unquenchable fire are graphic images of a judgment that is utterly final and complete. Unquenchable fire is one of the many phrases and images Jesus uses to describe the ultimate destruction of those things which are opposed to God. See masuk for Matt. 5:22.

Markus 9:45

“Jika kakimu membuatmu tersandung, potonglah; lebih baik bagimu masuk ke dalam hidup dengan timpang, dari pada dicampakkan ke dalam neraka dengan kedua kakimu,

(a) Masuki kehidupan; Lihat masuk for Mark 9:43.

(b) Neraka; Lihat masuk for Matt. 5:22.

Markus 9:46


(a) Cacing; Lihat masuk for Mark 9:44.

(b) Api tidak padam; Lihat masuk for Mark 9:44.

Markus 9:47

“Jika matamu menyesatkan engkau, buanglah; lebih baik bagimu masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Allah dengan bermata satu, daripada bermata dua, dicampakkan ke dalam neraka,

(a) Untuk masuk ke dalam kerajaan Allah adalah memasuki kehidupan baru dan sebaliknya. Lihat masuk for Mark 9:43.

(b) Neraka; Lihat masuk for Matt. 5:22.

Markus 9:48


(a) Cacing; Lihat masuk for Mark 9:44.

(b) Api tidak padam; Lihat masuk for Mark 9:44.

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