

To give feedback, report typos, or share suggestions on how to make The Grace Commentary more useful, please use the feedback page.

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Paul’s books are published by KingsPress.


  1. Hey, Paul . It’s Don Beeson. This is really a cool resource you’ve created 🙂 Thanks for doing all that was necessary to get this up and running. If by chance I should die during surgery —and I know you’ve said I won’t lol — I hope you’ll use the money to further people’s understanding of grace and the crazy love God has for them. I’m still learning about that and allowing it to sink in, but after years of law-based living and teaching it’s not easy to shake the old thinking : )

    1. Thanks Don. I’m sure your surgery will go well, and we’re praying. Thanks for your support. My hope is this commentary will help many discover the unconditional love of their heavenly Father.

    1. Please bear with us – the commentary is brand new, and even though we are adding 100+ scriptures every month we have a loooong way to go. If you want a glimpse of the finished product, check out the entries for 1 John.

    1. As far as I am aware, there is only one online commentary that does not put price tags on the grace of God or try to mix grace with dead works, and you’re reading it.

  2. Roman’s 5 was a Huper blessing!

    Are you using the NAS translation? I took a dozen screenshots for notes which I have now started a file for review and chew.

    5:2 This was my greatest take away into what we’ve been given … it is merely an introduction! That’s shouting ground!
    I’m sure you can expound on that one, and I look forward to it.

    Father bless Paul and his family and all he sets his hands to do as he places himself before You as a conduit to bring life to the people of the earth through neverending rivers of living water.
    Amen and amen

  3. Brother Paul, I just read a sample of 1 John 1-3 and I must say I didn’t know there was so much grace in it. Thanks! Just curious, what made you select 1,2 and 3 John and Jude to put in print form as the upcoming Grace Bible?

    1. Hi Shannon, as you say, there is a lot of the gospel of grace in those epistles. Since they were the first books where I had commentary for every verse, it made sense to start with them first. Others will follow.

  4. I love how someone who doesn’t know what God’s grace is for them in Christ Jesus could read your commentary on John’s epistles and not miss it because you make it so plain. I thank God for our literal translations but without someone unpacking so many texts that aren’t plain because of the limitations of the English language, I still might not know what grace is to this day.

    Back in ’86 before I knew the Lord, I actually memorized Eph. 2:8,9 from the NIV (apparently not a very literal translation from what I’ve heard) and because it used the word “works” in that text instead of something more modern like “deeds”, “performance”, or especially “behavior”, I missed the meaning of grace in that passage. Part of the reason may have been I was blinded by being so proud of myself for memorizing the text! With a little more humility and hunger and the Spirit’s help, I may have been able to use the context to figure it out. But a couple of years later in April of ’88, I checked out a commentary from my church library and the author unpacked that text for me resulting in my salvation!!

    Paul, I’m praying Jude 2 for us today as it’s one of my favorite prayers. Please pray it for me when you get a chance. O, how we need to pray this for God’s people as much as possible. Thanks for all you do!!!

    1. Hi Ron. Answer: because the Commentary is a work-in-progress and the Bible is a big book. Every month we upload commentary for 100+ new scriptures. Bear with us. We’ll get there. If you wish to be kept updated, sign up here.

  5. Hey Paul, thank you for this resource! I was curious if you could give insights to 2 timothy 4:1 in reference to God judging the living and the dead at his appearance.

    From my understanding, Satan is the one condemning people. It’s a matter of if we’ve rejected the free gift of grace or not. I’ve heard people use this verse and others like it to say God is bringing judgement and sending people to hell?

    I’d love to get your commentary on it.

      1. Hello, Paul. I have a question regarding your comment on Rom. 2:6-8 where you say, “It is a mistake to think that humanity is immortal, for we’re all born under the sentence of death.” But now what do I do with Dan. 12:2 which says, “And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”? Also Mt. 25:46 where Jesus said, “And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

      2. Hi Shannon. I don’t think Paul would speak of searching for immortality if we possessed immortality. Eternal life is something we all desire, and in the most quoted verse in scripture, Jesus tells us how to get it (John 3:16). Those who come to the Author of Life in faith receive eternal life while those who reject him perish. I don’t see how Dan. 12:2 contradicts this. Some who die will receive resurrection life. As for eternal punishment, please see my entry for Matt. 25:46.

  6. Sherry and I received your three new books! Very excited!
    We can’t find your recent post about the Kingdom of God, a dance, a party, a pulled back for editing post?
    Prof Dan eEncourager

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