Tandai 11

Mark 11:1

As they approached Jerusalem, at Bethphage and Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, He sent two of His disciples,

Bethany was a village about two miles from Jerusalem; see masuk for John 11:18.

Mark 11:11

Jesus entered Jerusalem and came into the temple; and after looking around at everything, He left for Bethany with the twelve, since it was already late.

(a) Looking around. What Jesus saw was that the money changers were back. At the beginning of his public ministry, he had overturned their tables and driven the livestock from the temple (John 2:13–17). Tomorrow, he would do it again (see Mark 11:15).

(b) Bethany was a village about two miles from Jerusalem; see masuk for John 11:18.

(c) Dua belas were Jesus closest disciples; see masuk for Mark 3:16.

Markus 11:13

Seeing at a distance a fig tree in leaf, He went to see if perhaps He would find anything on it; and when He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs.

He found nothing. John, the last of the old covenant prophets, urged the religious Jews to “Bear the fruit of repentance” (Matt 3:8), but they didn’t listen. Then for three years Jesus searched Israel in vain for the fruit of faith. When Jesus entered Jerusalem at the start of his final week, the people waved branches without fruit and the next morning, Jesus cursed a fruitless fig tree (see next verse).

Mark 11:14

He said to it, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again!” And His disciples were listening.

The cursing of the fruitless fig tree was a prophetic act symbolizing Israel’s self-inflicted rejection. See masuk for Mark 11:21.

Mark 11:15

Then they came to Jerusalem. And He entered the temple and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves;

Drive out. This was the second time Jesus cleared the temple. The first time happened at the beginning of his public ministry (John 2:13–17). On that occasion, Jesus drove out the livestock with a homemade whip and he overturned the tables of the money changers. Evidently, the merchants had moved back in, so Jesus cleared them out again.

All this activity took place in the outer Court of the Gentiles. This court was set aside for non-Jewish proselytes as a place of worship. It was a sacred place where people came from all over the world to worship God. But the temple officials had allowed the merchants to turn the court into a marketplace.

Mark 11:16

and He would not permit anyone to carry merchandise through the temple.

Carry merchandise. In addition to being a marketplace, the Court of the Gentiles had become a thoroughfare for people carrying household items, baskets, and vessels from one part of the city to another.

The temple precinct was a massive 35 acre complex. For Jesus to put a stop to all trade and through-traffic would have required a coordinated effort involving his disciples. But shut it down he did. The religious leaders were alarmed. Since Jesus had become a threat to their business, they resolved to kill him (Mark 11:18, Luke 19:47).

Mark 11:17

And He began to teach and say to them, “Is it not written, ‘MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL THE NATIONS’? But you have made it a ROBBERS’ DEN.”

Robbers. Kata aslinya (lestes) means armed brigands of the kind who robbed and beat the traveler on the road to Jericho (Luke 10:30), and who also menaced Paul in his travels (2 Cor. 11:26). Two such brigands were crucified beside Christ (Matt. 27:38), and Barabbas was also a brigand (John. 18:40).

Mark 11:18

The chief priests and the scribes heard this, and began seeking how to destroy Him; for they were afraid of Him, for the whole crowd was astonished at His teaching.

(a) The chief priests; Lihat masuk for Matt. 2:4.

(b) Scribes; Lihat masuk for Matt. 5:20.

Mark 11:21

Being reminded, Peter said to Him, “Rabbi, look, the fig tree which You cursed has withered.”

Withered. The Israelites cut themselves off through unbelief. “God did not reject his people … they were broken off because of unbelief” (Rom. 11:2, 20).

Orang-orang Yahudi yang religius percaya pada diri mereka sendiri. Sumbernya adalah diri sendiri dan akarnya adalah kejatuhannya. Sama seperti pohon ara yang layu hingga ke akar-akarnya, orang-orang Yahudi yang religius pun membusuk dari dalam ke luar. Apa yang seharusnya mereka lakukan? Mereka seharusnya mendengarkan Yesus. Mereka seharusnya meninggalkan upaya mereka untuk memperbaiki diri, menaruh iman mereka kepada Tuhan, dan membiarkan diri mereka dicangkokkan ke dalam Pokok Anggur yang hidup.

Markus 11:22

Dan Yesus menjawab dengan berkata kepada mereka, “Percayalah kepada Allah.

Milikilah iman kepada Tuhan. Sebagian besar orang Yahudi abad pertama memiliki iman kepada Tuhan dan ini akan terjadi pada para murid. Mereka percaya bahwa Allah itu satu (Yak. 2:19). Tetapi sementara ini adalah awal yang baik, ini bukanlah iman yang menyelamatkan (lihat masuk untuk Jas. 2:14), dan bukan jenis iman yang memindahkan gunung.

Markus 11:23

“Sesungguhnya Aku berkata kepadamu, siapa pun yang berkata kepada gunung ini, 'Angkatlah dan buanglah ke laut,' dan tidak ragu-ragu dalam hatinya, tetapi percaya bahwa apa yang dia katakan akan terjadi, itu akan dikabulkan.

(a) Tidak meragukan. Keraguan adalah pembunuh iman. Orang yang ragu-ragu memiliki pikiran seperti lautan yang dihempas badai (Yak. 1:6). Obat untuk keraguan bukanlah dengan mencambuk diri Anda sendiri menjadi hiruk-pikuk iman DIY, tetapi untuk mengingatkan diri Anda sendiri akan kebaikan Tuhan.

(b) Tapi percaya. Memiliki iman berarti diyakinkan bahwa Allah adalah sebagaimana yang Dia katakan. Iman adalah persuasi atau kata benda, sedangkan percaya adalah pekerjaan atau kata kerja. Adalah mungkin untuk memiliki iman kepada Tuhan namun masih menjadi tawanan keraguan dan ketidakpercayaan.

Markus 11:24

“Karena itu Aku berkata kepadamu, segala sesuatu yang kamu doakan dan minta, percayalah, bahwa kamu telah menerimanya, dan itu akan diberikan kepadamu.

Percayalah bahwa Anda telah menerimanya. Segala sesuatu datang kepada kita karena kasih karunia dan diterima dengan iman.

Markus 11:25

“Setiap kali kamu berdiri berdoa, ampunilah jika kamu memiliki sesuatu terhadap siapa pun, sehingga Bapamu yang di surga juga akan mengampuni pelanggaranmu.

(a) Ayahmu. Sang Pencipta Yang Mahakuasa ingin Anda berhubungan dengan-Nya sebagai Bapa Anda yang pengasih. Lihat masuk untuk Matius 5:16.

(b) Memaafkan; Lihat masuk untuk Pengampunan.

(c) Juga akan memaafkanmu. Satu-satunya syarat untuk menerima karunia pengampunan adalah iman (lihat ayat sebelumnya). Tetapi jika Anda menyimpan rasa tidak mau mengampuni di dalam hati Anda, Anda akan kesulitan menerima pengampunan Tuhan. Sebaliknya, ketika Anda tahu betapa Kristus telah mengampuni Anda, Anda akan diberdayakan untuk mengampuni orang lain (Kol. 3:13). Lihat masuk untuk Lukas 11:4.

(d) Transgressions. The original noun (paraptōma) is a fall or slip and is sometimes translated as trespasses (2 Cor. 5:19). It’s a slip up, a mistake, an error. In context, it means our sins.

Markus 11:26

[“Tetapi jika kamu tidak mengampuni, Bapamu yang di surga juga tidak akan mengampuni pelanggaranmu.”]

Ayat ini dalam kurung dan dihilangkan dari beberapa Alkitab karena tidak muncul dalam beberapa manuskrip. Tampaknya ini adalah pengulangan dari sesuatu yang Yesus katakan dalam Khotbah di Bukit. Lihat masuk untuk Matius 6:15.

Mark 11:27

They came again to Jerusalem. And as He was walking in the temple, the chief priests and the scribes and the elders came to Him,

(a) Walking to the temple. Mark records the temple officials questioning Jesus en route to the temple while Matthew and Luke say they questioned him while he was teaching at the temple (Matt. 21:23, Luke 19:47).

(b) The chief priests; Lihat masuk for Matt. 2:4.

(c) Scribes; Lihat masuk for Matt. 5:20.

(d) Elders; Lihat masuk for Matt. 16:21.

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