1 Johannes 1

1 Johannes 1:1

Det som var fra begynnelsen, det vi har hørt, det vi har sett med øynene, det vi har sett på og rørt med hendene, angående Livets ord—

(en) Fra begynnelsen. John was with Jesus from the beginning of his ministry (Matt. 4:21). He was one of the Lord’s closest friends.

The “from the beginning” phrase appears seven times in John’s first epistle and twice in his second epistle. John has at least three beginnings in mind. Here in 1 John 1:1 “the beginning” refers to the beginning of John’s experience with Jesus. Elsewhere “the beginning” refers to the first time you heard about Jesus or his message (1 John 2:7, 24, 3:11, 2 John 1:5, 6). And sometimes “the beginning” refers to the beginning of time (1 John 2:13–14, 3:8).

(b) Hva vi har hørt, hva vi har sett... hva vi har sett på. John is establishing his bona fides as a witness of what he is about to discuss, namely the good news of Jesus Christ. John heard and saw the Lord’s ministry. He witnessed his death, resurrection, and glorious ascension. Unlike the many false prophets who have gone out preaching a false message (1 John 4:1), John is a credible witness. He was there.

(c) Det vi har rørt. John was part of a small group of people who physically touched the Risen Lord (Luke 24:39). John is refuting the Gnostic view that the material world was evil and a spiritual God would have nothing to do with it. Jesus was fully human. He had a physical body. Anyone who said Jesus was not from God or had not come in the flesh was a deceiver and an antichrist (1 John 4:3, 2 John 1:7).

(d) Livets Ord is the Word of God and the Word made flesh (John 1:1, 14). Jesus is the Word or the Message or the Revelation of God (Rev. 19:13). Just as we reveal ourselves by what we say, God reveals himself in Jesus (Heb. 1:3).

1 Johannes 1:2

og livet ble åpenbart, og vi har sett og vitner og forkynner for dere det evige liv, som var hos Faderen og ble åpenbart for oss—

(en) Ble manifestert. Jesus, som tidligere var hos Gud i himmelen, «ble åpenbart for oss» på jorden. Med andre ord, "Jesus, Livets Ord viste seg, og vi (apostler) hørte ham og så ham med våre egne ører og øyne."

(b) Evig liv is not merely endless life; eternal life is divine life. It is Christ’s glorious life as opposed to the broken short-lived disease-ridden life we inherited from Adam. Eternal life is not something we receive in the future, but something we can have now (1 John 5:13). And where do we find this life? “This life is in the Son” (1 John 5:11). He who has the Son has life (1 John 5:12). Throughout John’s writings, Jesus is synonymous with eternal life (1 John 5:20). You can’t have one without the other.

Se inngang for nytt liv.

(c) Faren. God is not just the Maker of heaven and earth; he is the Father of the Son and all who believe (1 John 2:1). “God is our Father.” This was a stunning revelation when Jesus first said it, but John bought into it completely. More than a dozen times in this short epistle he reminds us that the Almighty is our Father.

1 Johannes 1:3

det vi har sett og hørt, forkynner vi også for dere, så dere også kan ha fellesskap med oss; og vårt fellesskap er i sannhet med Faderen og med hans Sønn Jesus Kristus.

(en) Det vi har sett og hørt, forkynner vi for dere. Du trenger ikke en grad eller år med studier for å være et vitne for Jesus. Alt du trenger er å fortelle andre hva du har sett og hørt. Fortell dem hva Herren har gjort for deg.

(b) Slik at du også kan ha fellesskap. In these opening verses, John is addressing a general audience that includes unbelievers who are walking in darkness (1 John 1:6) and who do not have the truth in them (1 John 1:8). He writes so that they may come to the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. He is saying, “Get plugged into Jesus because that’s where the life is” (1 John 4:9).

(c) Fellesskap (koinonia) betyr bokstavelig talt partnerskap eller deltakelse. Det er et ord som beskriver livet levd i åndelig forening med Herren og hverandre. Du er ikke skapt for å være alene. Du ble designet for å leve ut av din forbindelse med livets forfatter. Gjennom mennesker som Johannes inviterer Gud oss ​​alle til å komme til ham for å bli hel og ta del i hans velsignede liv.

When Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches,” he was giving us the secret for abundant life (John 15:5). Real life is found in living out of our connection with the Author of Life. In union with the Lord we experience the freedom to know and be known, to give and receive, to love and be loved.

(d) Fellesskap med oss betyr mer enn å gå i kirken. Koinonia-fellowship is about living fully out of our connection with Christ and his body. It’s the authentic sense of community that comes from having our hearts knitted together in love (Col. 2:2).

(e) Fellesskap med Faderen og Sønnen bringer aksept, intimitet, rettferdighet, hellighet, evig liv og alle himmelens velsignelser og privilegier. De som er ett med Herren mangler ikke noe godt.

Videre lesning: "De mange fordelene med fagforening.

1 Johannes 1:4

Dette skriver vi, for at vår glede skal bli fullkommen.

(en) Disse tingene skriver vi. Johannes skrev minst tre brev, ett evangelium og Åpenbaringsboken.

(b) Vår glede. En gang i tiden hadde John vært fisker. Så møtte han Jesus og ble en menneskefisker. Akkurat som en fiskers glede er å fange fisk, er Johns glede å vinne sjeler for Jesus.

But John was not just a catcher of fish; he was also a mender of nets, and this is what he was doing when Jesus first met him (Matt. 4:21). John’s joy was to mend the church nets, so to speak, to ensure that those who heard the gospel would not be lured away by false prophets and deceivers (1 John 4:1). This is why he rejoiced to see his spiritual children walking in the truth (3 John 1:4).

1 Johannes 1:5

Dette er budskapet vi har hørt fra ham og forkynner for deg at Gud er lys, og i ham er det ikke noe mørke i det hele tatt.

(en) Meldingen vi har hørt fra ham. Johannes budskap kom rett fra Jesus. Det var ikke noe han fant på eller hørte brukt.

(b) Kunngjør til deg. Evangeliet er ikke en stillingsannonse, men en kunngjøring.

(c) Gud er lys. The shadowless God is good to you all the time. His face is always shining upon you in love. He loves you so much that he sent his Son to rescue you (1 John 4:10).

(d) I ham er det ikke noe mørke i det hele tatt. God does not bring darkness into your life for a season. He will never take your job or your kids or give you sickness. Everything he does and gives is good and perfect (Jas. 1:17).

(e) Mørke er en metafor for ondskap og synd og alt som er uberørt av verdens lys. Ethvert sted hvor de gode nyhetene om Jesus ikke blir hørt, forblir i mørket.

1 Johannes 1:6

Hvis vi sier at vi har fellesskap med ham og likevel vandrer i mørket, lyver vi og praktiserer ikke sannheten;

(en) Hvis vi sier. We may tell ourselves all sorts of things, but the beliefs and intentions of our hearts are revealed by what we do (1 John 2:4, 9).

(b) Vi har fellesskap; se inngang for 1 John 1:3.

(c) Til gå i mørket is to reject the light and love of God. It’s refusing to trust in the Savior. It’s pretending we are fine and have no need of grace (1 John 1:8). It’s living for yourself and having no love for others (1 John 2:9).

(d) Vi lyver. De som vandrer i mørket mens de hevder å kjenne Han som er lys, bedrar seg selv. De tror kanskje de er gode mennesker, men hvis de ikke kjenner Faderens kjærlighet, er de fortapt.

(e) Ikke praktiser sannheten. They do not abide in the grace of Jesus. John is not talking about believers who know the truth (1 John 2:21), but those who do not know Jesus.

1 Johannes 1:7

Men hvis vi vandrer i lyset slik han selv er i lyset, har vi fellesskap med hverandre, og Jesu, hans Sønns blod renser oss fra all synd.

(en) Hvis vi går i lyset. Only those who know the Light of the world can walk in the light. “Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness” (John 8:12). Just as the sun does not shine at night, the believer cannot walk in darkness.

John sier ikke at vi kan produsere lys. Han sier at det er to typer mennesker; de som vandrer i lyset (fordi de har livets lys) og de som ikke har det (fordi de ikke har noe fellesskap med Gud som er lys; se vers 5).

(b) Vi har fellesskap med hverandre. Noen sier at vi må gå rett for å opprettholde fellesskapet med Herren, men Johannes snakker om fellesskapet vårt eller forholdet vårt med en annen. Sann forbindelse er bare mulig når vi elsker hverandre med den ubetingede kjærligheten som Kristus viste oss.

(c) Jesu blod. Du blir ikke tilgitt eller renset fordi du går rett eller vurderer dine synder og mangler. Du er ren fordi Jesu blod renser deg og fortsetter å rense deg.

(d) Renser oss fra all synd. Det er troløst å tenke på at Jesu blod renser oss fra bare noen synd. "Jesus reddet meg, men nå er det opp til meg å opprettholde min frelse." All synd betyr all synd, fortid, nåtid og fremtid. Det er ingen synd Jesus ikke bar.

When you sin, don’t heed the voice of condemnation; listen to Jesus who speaks for you (1 John 2:1). When you are reminded of something you did, remember what Jesus did. When the accuser points to your faults, point to Jesus by whose blood you have been washed whiter than snow (Rev. 12:11). His blood has secured your eternal redemption (Heb. 9:12).

1 Johannes 1:8

Hvis vi sier at vi ikke har noen synd, bedrar vi oss selv og sannheten er ikke i oss.

(en) Hvis vi sier at vi ikke har noen synd. Self-righteous people have convinced themselves they have no sin. “I’m basically a good person.” They are deceiving themselves, for the truth is we all fall short and none of us is righteous (Rom. 3:10, 23). We all need God’s grace.

Selv om læren fra det første århundres gnostisisme er et spørsmål om spekulasjoner, er det sannsynlig at gnostikerne var blant dem som hevdet at de ikke hadde noen synd.

(b) Sannheten is another name for Jesus (John 14:6). It’s also a name for God the Father (1 John 5:20) and God the Holy Spirit (1 John 5:6) Truth is not a manmade construct but is defined by the One who is truth personified. Both grace and truth are fully realized in Jesus (John 1:17).

(c) Sannheten er ikke i oss. Unbelievers are living in a false reality for their lives are disconnected from the One called Truth. John is not talking about Christians going through a bad patch, for the truth abides in us forever (2 John 1:2).

Når du leser Bibelen, er det viktig å identifisere publikum. Johns brev ville ha blitt bredt sirkulert. Det ville blitt hørt av alle slags mennesker. Her i det første kapittelet snakker Johannes til dem som er frakoblet Kristus (vers 3), vandrer i mørke (vers 6) og ikke har sannheten i seg (vers 8). Selv om han bruker ord som vi og oss, inviterer han vantro til å sette sin tro på Gud. I begynnelsen av neste kapittel vil han rette oppmerksomheten mot troende eller Guds barn.

1 Johannes 1:9

Hvis vi bekjenner våre synder, er han trofast og rettferdig til å tilgi oss våre synder og rense oss fra all urettferdighet.

(en) Hvis vi bekjenner våre synder does not mean going to confession or reviewing our sins one by one in the hope of meriting forgiveness, for that would be tantamount to preaching salvation by works, and dead works at that. We are not saved by confessing sins but by confessing Jesus is Lord (Rom. 10:9).

Ordet bekjenne betyr å være enig med eller si det samme som en annen. I sammenheng er det å innrømme at "Jeg er en synder", som er motpolen til "Jeg har ingen synd" i det foregående verset. Den eneste betingelsen for å motta Guds tilgivelse og nåde er å innrømme at du trenger det. Spør og du skal få.

Remember, John is speaking about people who are disconnected from God. They have no fellowship with the Father or the Son (1 John 1:3). They have not received the free gift of forgiveness because they don’t believe they need it (1 John 1:8). Having told them the bad news—“you are deceiving yourselves”—he now tells them the good news: “Admit your need for forgiveness and you shall have it!” And how many times do we need to do this? Once is enough. The moment we confess our need for Jesus we are cleansed from all unrighteousness.

Tilgivelse er ikke noe vi tjener gjennom våre bekjennelseshandlinger; det er en gave vi mottar ved tro (se inngang for Acts 13:38). In Christ, we have the forgiveness of sins (Col. 1:14). In him, you are completely and eternally forgiven according to the riches of his grace (Eph. 1:7).

Dessverre er det noen som kaprer dette verset for å fordømme dem som Kristus har forløst. De sier ting som "Du må bekjenne dine synder for å bli tilgitt eller opprettholde fellesskap med Herren." Dette er grunnen til at vi må lese alt John sier. Du har blitt renset fra all synd by the blood of Jesus (1 John 1:7). You have been 100% forgiven on “account of his name” (1 John 2:12). Jesus has done it all!

Se inngang for skriftemål.

(b) Han er trofast og rettferdig til å tilgi oss våre synder. God does not forgive us because we are good, but because he is good. He is the faithful and righteous One who loves us in our sin (1 John 2:2) and sends his Son to save us (1 John 4:14). Forgiveness is a done deal—Jesus will never return to the cross—but you will never experience God’s forgiveness unless you receive it by faith.

(c) Og for å rense oss fra all urettferdighet. Alt betyr alt. Johannes' budskap handler om total og fullstendig tilgivelse.

Some use the words of 1 John 1:9 to preach dead works, as in we must confess to make ourselves righteous. That is not what John is saying. Jesus is the Righteous One (1 John 2:1) and it is his righteousness that God freely offers us by grace (Rom. 1:17). The good news of 1 John 1:9 is that God’s grace is greater than your worst sin. The blood of Jesus cleanses you from alle urettferdighet.

Some also say that we must confess our sins and keep short accounts to maintain fellowship with the Lord. John says nothing of the kind here (or anywhere). While being open and honest about our mistakes is healthy in any relationship, God’s love is not for sale, and his fellowship is not purchased through confession. God has promised to never leave you or forsake you (Heb. 13:5). His Spirit or truth abides with you forever (John 14:16, 2 John 1:2).

Videre lesning: "Sunn vs usunn bekjennelse

1 Johannes 1:10

Hvis vi sier at vi ikke har syndet, gjør vi ham til en løgner og hans ord er ikke i oss.

(en) Hvis vi sier. Johannes snakker ikke om kristne, men selvrettferdige vantro som tror de er uten synd. "Jeg er i grunnen en god person." Han gjentar det han har sagt i vers 8, men med en viktig tillegg...

(b) Vi gjør ham til en løgner. Someone who says, “I have no need of grace” is essentially calling God a liar (1 John 5:10). They are blaspheming or slandering the Holy Spirit who seeks to convince them of their need for Jesus (Matt. 12:32). They put themselves beyond help because they don’t want help.

(c) Hans ord er ikke i oss. Jesus is the Word of God and the Word of Life who gives meaning to life (1 John 1:1, 2:14). Jesus is the word (verse 10), the truth (verse 8), the light (verse 5) and the life (verse 1) that unbelievers lack.

Videre lesning: "Hva er den utilgivelige synden?

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9 kommentarer

  1. Finally… a real “grace” commentary that is clear, simple to read and understand, and credible. Looking forward to sharing this with others!!!

  2. Finally a commentary that actually brings understanding to the abundant grace of God’s love for us. So many other commentaries written by grace confused individuals fail to bring the truth of the real Gospel. Thank you Paul for following God’s gifts in you.

  3. What a profound statement that can easily be brushed over; “Just as we reveal ourselves by what we say, God reveals himself in Jesus (Heb. 1:3).” What are belivers saying? Lack, fear, sickness, unaccepted before God? The Words of Life or the thinking of the world that is disconnected from God? We walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7).

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