2 Corintios 4

2 Corintios 4:1

Por tanto, teniendo este ministerio, según la misericordia recibida, no desmayamos,

Recibimos misericordia. Mercy is one facet of God’s grace. It is his compassion and comfort for those in need (Heb. 4:16).

Just as God is rich in grace (Eph. 1:7, 2:7, Jas. 4:6), he is rich in mercy (Luke 1:58, Eph. 2:4, Jas. 5:11, 1 Pet. 1:3). He is the God of all grace (1 Pet. 5:10) and the Father of all mercies (2 Cor. 1:3).

Ver entrada por la Misericordia.

2 Corintios 4:2

sino que por vergüenza hemos renunciado a las cosas ocultas, no andando con astucia, ni adulterando la palabra de Dios, sino por la manifestación de la verdad, recomendándonos a la conciencia de todo hombre delante de Dios.

(a) La palabra de Dios refers to the revealed will of God. In context, it is the good news of Jesus Christ.

Ver entrada por Palabra de Dios.

(b) Every man’s conscience. The conscience is that inner sense that lets us know whether we are walking in the will of God or whether we have departed from it. Since Paul was walking in the will of God, he trusted that the Holy Spirit would commend him to the consciences of those who met him.

Ver entrada para la Conciencia.

2 Corinthians 4:3

And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing,

Our gospel. Alternatively, “the gospel that I preach.” Paul did not preach a different gospel from Jesus or any of the other apostles (see Gal. 1:8).

The gospel that was sometimes known as the gospel of Christ (Rom. 15:19) or the gospel of God (Rom 15:16) or the gospel of the kingdom (Matt. 4:23), was the gospel of grace (Acts 20:24) that Paul referred to as “my gospel” (Rom. 2:16, 16:25, 2 Tim. 2:8) and “our gospel” (1 Th. 1:5, 2 Th. 2:14). See entrada para El Evangelio.

2 Corinthians 4:4

in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

(a) The god of this world. Satan a.k.a. the prince of the power of the air a.k.a. the evil one or devil.

God gave the earth to Adam and Adam handed the keys to the devil. Ever since then Satan has been referred to as the ruler or prince or god of this world (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11, 2 Cor. 4:4). But he is a usurper and the true Lord of all came to put him in his place and destroy his work (1 John 3:8). Jesus commissioned Paul to open unbelieving eyes so that people might be delivered from the power of Satan to God (Acts 26:18).

(b) The gospel; ver entrada para El Evangelio.

2 Corintios 4:5

Porque no nos predicamos a nosotros mismos, sino a Cristo Jesús como Señor, y a nosotros mismos como vuestros siervos por amor de Jesús.

(a) No nos predicamos a nosotros mismos. Los verdaderos predicadores son servidores que no tienen ningún interés en construir un imperio. Como Pablo, predican lejos de sí mismos al señalar a la gente a Jesús.

(b) Cristo Jesús como Señor. True preachers reveal Jesus as Lord of all. Jesus is not merely a teacher or historical figure. He is the exalted Son of God and his Name is above all names (Php. 2:9). Before the cross, Jesus was known as the Christ or anointed one. But after the cross, Jesus is the Lord or kyrios or “the One who is supreme above all.” Paul introduces the Lord Jesus Christ at the start of all his letters (see 2 Cor. 1:2), and he encourages his readers to confess Jesus as Lord (Rom. 10:9, Php. 2:12).

(C) Tus siervos. In several of his letters Paul introduces himself as a bondservant of Jesus Christ (Rom 1:1, Gal. 1:10, Tit. 1:1). This can lead to confusion among believers. Am I a son or servant of God? Paul had no confusion over his identity. He knew he was a dearly-loved child of God (Rom. 8:15, Gal. 3:26, 4:6). But just as the Son of God took the form of a bondservant (Php. 2:7), Paul saw himself as the son who served.

Otras lecturas: "¿Hijo, siervo o amigo de Dios?"

2 Corintios 4:6

Porque Dios, que dijo: De las tinieblas resplandecerá la luz, es el que ha brillado en nuestros corazones para dar la luz del conocimiento de la gloria de Dios en la faz de Cristo.

El mundo puede ser un lugar oscuro, pero Dios te ha dado una Luz que es mayor que la oscuridad. Jesús ha vencido al mundo, vencido la muerte y no hay prueba que lo inquiete. Jesús sonríe ante cada tormenta.

2 Corintios 4:13

Pero teniendo el mismo espíritu de fe, conforme a lo que está escrito: CREÍ, POR TANTO HABLÉ, también creemos, por eso también hablamos,

Teniendo el mismo espíritu de fe… también creemos. Si fe es el sustantivo –el estado de estar persuadido de que Dios te ama– entonces creer es el verbo o actividad que fluye de esa convicción (ver entrada for John 6:29). We do not believe to create faith. Rather, believing is the action that reveals our faith.

Ver entrada por la Fe.

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