1 Pedro 1

1 Pedro 1:1

Pedro, apóstol de Jesucristo, a los que residen como extranjeros, esparcidos por el Ponto, Galacia, Capadocia, Asia y Bitinia, que son escogidos.

(a) Pedro was one of the first disciples to be called and he became one of the Lord’s closest friends (Mark 1:16). His given name was Simon (2 Pet. 1:1), but the Lord called him Peter (John 1:42). He witnessed the Lord’s transfiguration (2 Pet. 1:17–18) and crucifixion (1 Pet. 5:1), and he was the first apostle to see the Risen Lord (Luke 24:34, 1 Cor. 15:5).

(b) Apóstol means delegate or ambassador, or someone who has been sent. An apostle is someone who has been sent out as a messenger for God. In a sense, we are all called to be God’s messengers or ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20). But in the church, some are uniquely gifted and called to be apostles (1 Cor. 12:28–29). See also the entrada for 1 Cor. 1:1.

(C) Extranjeros. La palabra original (parepidiéramos) significa residente extranjero.

(d) Disperso. La palabra original (diáspora) means dispersed and usually describes Jews living in Gentile nations. Peter was writing to Christian Jews who had fled Judea on account of the persecution that came against the early church (Acts 8:1, 11:19). Those who were scattered settled in foreign countries and preached the gospel (Acts 8:4). Churches were planted and Gentiles were welcomed into the family of God. Although Peter wrote to encourage scattered individuals, his letter was circulated among churches led by elders (see 1 Pet. 5:1).

(mi) Ponto, Galacia, Capadocia, Asia y Bitinia were five Roman provinces in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). Peter sent a letter to the churches in these provinces and the letter was delivered by his good friend Silvanus (1 Pet. 5:12). Later, he sent a second letter (2 Pet. 3:1).

(F) Elegido. You have been chosen by God (Eph. 1:4, 2 Th. 2:13, 2 Tim. 2:10). In the New Testament believers are referred to as the elect or chosen of God (Rom. 8:33, Col. 3:12, Tit. 1:1).

“Many are called, but few are chosen,” said Jesus (Matt. 22:14). Those who respond to the call of God are called the elect or the chosen. “For you are a chosen generation” (1 Pet. 2:9). In a manner of speaking, the chosen choose themselves by responding to the call of God. But since the Lord initiates the call, it’s accurate to say we are God’s chosen.

1 Pedro 1:2

según la presciencia de Dios Padre, por la obra santificadora del Espíritu, para obedecer a Jesucristo y ser rociados con su sangre: Que la gracia y la paz os sean en plenitud.

(a) Presciencia. The God who sees the end from the beginning knew who would respond to the gospel (Rom. 8:29, Eph. 1:4–5). Before time began he wrote their names in the Book of Life (Rev. 17:8).

(b) Dios el padre; ver el siguiente verso.

(C) La obra santificadora del Espíritu. You were chosen by God (see previous verse) and set apart by the Holy Spirit. You are not sanctified on account of anything you have done. You were sanctified through the sacrifice of Jesus (Heb. 10:14). You are part of a holy priesthood. See entrada for 1 Pet. 2:5.

(d) Obedecer a Jesucristo is to heed his call to repent and believe the gospel (Mark 1:15). In contrast, unbelievers are those who do not obey the gospel of God (1 Pet. 4:17).

(mi) Rociado con su sangre. Just as Moses ratified the old covenant by sprinkling the blood of sacrifices on the Israelites (Ex. 24:8), the new covenant was ratified with the better blood of the Lamb (Heb. 9:22, 12:24).

(F) Paz y gracia. Peter was familiar with Paul’s letters (2 Pet. 3:16) and seems to have adopted Paul’s traditional greeting (see entrada for Rom. 1:7). Grace encompass all the blessings of God (Eph. 1:3), and peace is the fruit of receiving his great grace.

(gramo) La medida más completa. Que la gracia de Dios sea vuestra en creciente abundancia.

Grace is not merely for your salvation; grace is for partaking in the divine life that Christ offers to all of us. Grace saves us, keeps us, protects us, and blesses us (1 Pet. 5:10). We grow in grace by growing in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Pet 3:18).

Otras lecturas: "¿Quiénes son los predicadores de la hipergracia?"

1 Pedro 1:3

Bendito sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que según su gran misericordia nos hizo renacer para una esperanza viva, por la resurrección de Jesucristo de entre los muertos,

(a) Dios y Padre. God is the Father of Jesus (John 8:54), but he is also the Father of all who have been born again (see entrada for 1 Peter 1:17).

(b) Gran misericordia. Así como Dios tiene gran gracia (ver entrada for Jas. 4:6), he has great mercy (Luke 1:58). God is both rich in grace (Eph. 1:7, 2:7), and mercy (Eph. 2:4). His great mercy testifies to his great love for us (Eph. 2:4). See entrada por la Misericordia.

(C) Nacido de nuevo. La palabra original (anagenao) means to beget. You are begotten by God and his imperishable seed abides in you (1 Pet. 1:23, 1 John 3:9).

In this letter Peter describes two wonderful things that have happened to the believer; (1) you have been redeemed (1 Pet. 1:18), and (2) you have been born again. Because you were redeemed, you could be born again, and because you were born again, everything has changed. The moment you put your faith in the Son of God, you crossed over from death to new life (John 5:24). You left Adam’s doomed family and were adopted into the family of God (Rom. 8:15). Because your rebirth was an act of God, you cannot undo what the Lord has done. Because you have been born of imperishable seed, you are eternally saved and eternally secure. See entrada for John 3:3.

(d) Una esperanza viva Es una esperanza en un Señor resucitado que da vida y esperanza a los muertos. Jesús que murió pero que ahora vive es nuestra esperanza viva.

This world will crush your hopes and dreams, but your heavenly Father does not want you to become weary and hopeless. You have a great need for hope; you have a great God who meets your need (Rom. 15:13).

(mi) La resurrección es lo que hace que buenas noticias good news for it proves that Jesus is the Holy and Righteous Savior. If Jesus had been a fraud, God would not have raised him. But Jesus rose and ascended to heaven and now sits at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19). The Author of Life has conquered the grave and now holds the keys of death and Hades (Rev. 1:18). For those of us clothed with mortal bodies, this is a source of great comfort and hope.

1 Pedro 1:4

para obtener una herencia incorruptible, incontaminada e inmarcesible, reservada en el cielo para vosotros,

(a) una herencia that is imperishable refers to eternal life. In one sense, eternal life is something we enjoy now through our union with Christ (John 17:3). But an inmarcesible y imperecedero La herencia que está reservada en el cielo se refiere al glorioso cuerpo resucitado que recibiremos cuando Cristo regrese (ver el siguiente versículo).

(b) Reservado en el cielo. Your resurrection life is kept safe for you in heaven, where sin and disease cannot touch it. Aware that his earthly life would soon be taken from him (2 Pet. 1:14), Peter was looking forward to a resurrection body that no one can harm.

1 Pedro 1:5

quienes son protegidos por el poder de Dios a través de la fe para una salvación lista para ser revelada en el tiempo postrero.

(a) Protegido. La palabra original (phroureo) means garrisoned or guarded. The Lord is your Guardian and Keeper who protects you with his mighty power (1 Pet. 2:25). Nothing in life or death can separate you from his love (Rom. 8:38–39).

(b) El poder de Dios. You are not protected because you believe right or pray right. You are protected because God is powerful. Consider Peter. On his worst night his courage failed him, but he was not lost because Jesus was praying for him (Luke 22:32).

It may seem strange to say that Christians who were being persecuted and sometimes martyred for their faith were powerfully protected by the power of God, but Peter is talking about the salvation of their souls, not their bodies (1 Pet. 1:9). Your body may age and decay, but you – the real, inner you – will not be lost. And when Jesus is revealed from heaven, you will be clothed with a resurrection body that will never fade away or die.

(C) All of God’s blessings, including his protection, come to us freely by grace and are received by faith. You are not protected because you diligently pray prayers or psalms of protection. Nor are you protected because you confess and keep short accounts with the Lord. You are protected by the mighty power of God. Your part is to trust in him and rest in his grace, knowing that he who watches over you will neither slumber nor sleep (Ps. 121:4)

(d) La salvación será revelada. In Christ, we are born again and 100 percent saved. Yet we are still looking forward to the redemption of our bodies (Rom. 8:23). Our present bodies age and decay, but one day we will be clothed in glory. When Jesus returns, we will be changed and that which is mortal shall be clothed in immortality. The perishable will put on the imperishable and death will be swallowed up in victory (1 Cor. 15:53–54).

(mi) Reveló. La palabra original (apocalipsis) means uncover and disclose. Who we are has not been fully disclosed. But when Jesus returns, the real, glorious, imperishable you will be revealed (Col. 3:4, 1 Pet. 5:1).

(F) En el último tiempo. Los últimos días; ver entrada for 1 Pet. 1:20.

1 Pedro 1:6

Por esto os regocijáis mucho, aunque ahora por un poco de tiempo, si es necesario, os aflijáis por diversas pruebas,

(a) Regocíjate mucho. La promesa de Dios de velar por nosotros es una fuente de gran gozo y consuelo cuando enfrentamos las pruebas de la vida.

For the believer there is a joy that comes from knowing the shadowless love and acceptance of the Father (see 1 Pet. 1:8). Yet there is also another kind of joy that we can experience in the midst of our trials (Jas. 1:2). The latter joy comes from knowing that what the enemy intends for evil, our Redeemer will repurpose for good (Rom. 8:28).

(b) Un poco de tiempo; ver entrada for 1 Pet. 5:10.

(C) Varios ensayos. Trials and tribulations are a normal part of the Christian life (2 Tim. 3:12), but the recipients of Peter’s letter were experiencing harsh and unjust suffering on account of their faith (1 Pet. 2:19–20). They were being slandered as evildoers (1 Pet. 2:12, 3:16) and they were experiencing a fiery ordeal (1 Pet. 4:12). What form that persecution took we can only guess. It could be that they were being plundered or losing their homes (Heb. 10:34, Rev. 2:9). However, a ardiente terrible experiencia sugiere algo más serio (ver entrada for 1 Pet. 4:17).

1 Pedro 1:7

para que la prueba de vuestra fe, siendo más preciosa que el oro, que es perecedero, aunque probado por el fuego, resulte en alabanza, gloria y honra en la revelación de Jesucristo;

(a) Prueba. La palabra original (dokimio) significa probar de la misma manera que un ensayador prueba y aprueba el oro.

(b) La prueba de tu fe. Así como algunos materiales se vuelven más fuertes cuando se comprimen, la fe que Dios te ha dado revela sus cualidades sobrenaturales cuando pasas por pruebas.

The trials of life are not to see whether we are made of the right stuff or whether we can whip up enough faith, for we can’t manufacture faith at all. Faith is something to receive (2 Pet. 1:1). Faith that endures is a gift from God and we get it from hearing the good news of Jesus (Eph. 2:8).

(C) Más precioso que el oro. Así como el oro se purifica mediante el fuego, la preciosa cualidad de la fe que Dios nos ha dado se revela cuando atravesamos pruebas de fuego.

Otras lecturas: "La resistencia de los santos"

(d) Alabanza, gloria y honor. No matter what life dishes out, the children of God will make it through. Every one of us will stand blameless and confident before the Lord on the day that he is revealed (1 Cor. 1:8, 1 John 4:17). All this is to the glory of the Shepherd who watches over us and sustains us to the end (1 Pet. 2:25).

(mi) La revelación de Jesucristo refers to the final coming when the Son of Man is revealed from heaven (Luke 17:30, 2 Th. 1:7). Peter also refers to this event as the day of the Lord (2 Pet. 3:10), the day of God (2 Pet. 3:12), the day of visitation (1 Pet. 2:12), the day of judgment (2 Pet. 2:9, 3:7), and the day of eternity (2 Pet. 3:18).

1 Pedro 1:8

y aunque no lo habéis visto, le amáis, y aunque ahora no le veáis, pero creéis en él, os regocijáis mucho con gozo inefable y lleno de gloria,

(a) No lo has visto. Peter had seen Jesus and witnessed his earthly ministry (1 Pet. 5:1), but we have not seen him.

(b) Lo amas... cree en él. Cuando sabes cuán bueno es Dios y cuán profundamente te ama, es fácil confiar en él (ver entrada for 1 John 2:5).

(C) No lo ves ahora. We cannot see Jesus in his physical form until the day he is revealed (2 Cor. 5:16). But we can know him through the eyes and ears of faith.

(d) Alegría inexpresable. Confiar en el Señor Resucitado nos trae una gran alegría. Saber que él está con nosotros en las buenas y en las malas y que completará el buen trabajo que ha comenzado en nuestras vidas llena nuestro corazón de alegría.

1 Pedro 1:9

obteniendo como resultado de vuestra fe la salvación de vuestras almas.

(a) El resultado de tu fe es la salvación de la muerte. Es vida eterna.

Hay diferentes tipos de fe. Los judíos religiosos tenían fe en Dios, pero la suya no era una fe salvadora ya que no iba acompañada de la obra de creer en el Salvador que él envió (ver entrada for Jas. 2:14). But we who have obeyed Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 1:2) and believed in him (1 Pet. 2:6) have the same faith as the apostles (2 Pet. 1:1) – a faith that leads to salvation (2 Tim. 3:15). “For by grace you have been saved through faith” (Eph. 2:8).

(b) Tu fe comes from the Lord. It is not something you manufacture, but something you receive (2 Pet. 1:1). Faith comes from hearing about the love of God revealed in Jesus (Rom. 10:17).

(C) La salvación de vuestras almas. will be fully realized when the Lord returns and we are clothed in glory (1 Pet. 1:5).

Some speak of salvation as though it was an ongoing process. That is not what Peter is talking about here. If you are in Christ, you are a new creation, fully saved and fully sanctified. Your soul has been purified by truth (1 Pet. 1:22). Yet our physical bodies remain subject to decay. In our bodies we engage with sin and experience its deathly effects (Rom. 6:6, 12). But when Jesus Christ is revealed from heaven we will be clothed with resurrection bodies that cannot be touched by sin (1 Cor. 15:52, Php. 3:21).

1 Pedro 1:10

En cuanto a esta salvación, los profetas que profetizaron de la gracia que vendría a vosotros, buscaron e indagaron cuidadosamente,

(a) Salvación. The original word for salvation means deliverance or rescue. In context, salvation means deliverance from death and the futile or doomed life we inherited from our forefathers (1 Pet. 1:18). See entrada para la Salvación.

(b) La gracia que vendría through Jesus Christ (John 1:17).

Although the Old Testament prophets lived under the law covenant, they knew through the Holy Spirit that a better covenant of grace was coming. The prophets who prophesied of the grace to come included Isaiah (Is. 54:10), Jeremiah (Jer. 31:31–34), and Ezekiel (Eze. 37:26–27).

(C) Búsquedas cuidadosas. Habiendo recibido revelación del Espíritu Santo, es comprensible que los profetas del Antiguo Testamento sintieran curiosidad acerca de la gracia venidera. ¿OMS? ¿Qué? ¿Cuando? ¿Cómo? Lo que ellos anhelaban, nosotros lo hemos recibido.

1 Pedro 1:11

buscando saber qué persona o tiempo indicaba el Espíritu de Cristo dentro de ellos al predecir los sufrimientos de Cristo y las glorias venideras.

(a) Qué persona o época. Los profetas del Antiguo Testamento sabían por el Espíritu Santo que un Salvador vendría a redimir a la humanidad, pero ¿quién y cuándo? Intuyeron el plan, pero no conocían los detalles. Sólo ahora, en la plenitud de los tiempos, Dios ha revelado su mano. Los detalles de su plan de rescate los conocemos como el evangelio (ver el siguiente versículo).

(b) El Espíritu de Cristo dentro de ellos. Although the Holy Spirit had not been poured out prior to the Day of Pentecost (John 7:39), he revealed the coming Messiah to the Old Testament prophets.

(C) Los sufrimientos… las glorias. The Old Testament prophets foretold both the crucifixion of Christ (e.g., Is. 53:6–9) and his glorious ascension and return (e.g., Ps. 68:18, Zech. 9:14).

1 Pedro 1:12

A ellos les fue revelado que no se servían a sí mismos, sino a vosotros, en estas cosas que ahora os han sido anunciadas por medio de los que os anunciaron el evangelio por el Espíritu Santo enviado del cielo, cosas que los ángeles anhelan mirar.

(a) Fue revelado a los profetas del Antiguo Testamento por el Espíritu Santo que vendría un Salvador, y registraron estas revelaciones para nuestro beneficio. Ahora, a través de los predicadores del evangelio del nuevo pacto, el Espíritu Santo ha anunciado la buena noticia de que ha venido el Salvador.

(b) Anunciado. The gospel is an announcement of the glad tidings of a happy God that brings great joy to all (Luke 2:10).

La religión hecha por el hombre te dice qué hacer; el evangelio anuncia lo que se ha hecho. La reconciliación, la aceptación y el perdón no son recompensas que ganar, sino regalos que recibir a causa de lo que Cristo ha hecho.

(C) Los que predicaron. The gospel has to be preached to be heard (Rom. 10:14). Preachers like Paul and Silas had gone to Asia and Galatia to preach the good news to the recipients of this letter (see entrada for 1 Pet. 5:12).

(d) El Evangelio is the good news that God so loved the world that he gave us his Son. This good news is referred to as the gospel of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:1) or the gospel of Christ (Rom. 15:19, 1 Cor. 9:12, 2 Cor. 2:12, 9:13, 10:14, Gal. 1:7, Php. 1:27, 1 Th. 3:2). There is also the gospel of God (Mark 1:14, Rom 1:1, 15:16, 2 Cor. 11:7, 1 Th. 2:2, 8, 9, 1 Pet. 4:17), the gospel of the bendito God (1 Tim. 1:11), and the gospel of his Son (Rom 1:9). There is the gospel of the kingdom (Matt. 4:23, 9:35, 24:14, Luke 16:16), and the gospel of the glory of Christ (2 Cor. 4:4). These are all different labels for the one and only gospel of the grace of God (Acts 20:24). See entrada para El Evangelio.

(mi) El espíritu santo or the Spirit of Christ (1 Pet. 1:11) or the Spirit of glory (1 Pet. 4:14). Peter heard the Lord promise that the Father would send the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), and Peter was present on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came (Acts 2:1–4).

(F) Ángeles. Los profetas miraron hacia adelante y los ángeles miraron hacia abajo para ver el maravilloso plan de rescate que Dios había preparado para nosotros.

1 Pedro 1:13

Por lo tanto, preparad vuestra mente para la acción, manteneos sobrios de espíritu, fijad vuestra esperanza completamente en la gracia que os será concedida en la revelación de Jesucristo.

(a) Preparen sus mentes para la acción. Don’t be passive but put your faith to work. Fortify your mind with the promises of God so that you may walk in newness of life and participate in his divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4).

(b) Manténgase sobrio de espíritu. Be clearheaded and live with your eyes open. Don’t be so preoccupied with your appetites that you let the opportunity for real life pass you by. Life is short (Jas. 1:11). Live with eternity in mind.

(C) arregla tu esperanza on the risen Lord who gives life to the dead (1 Pet. 1:3).

(d) Esperanza. El evangelio te señala al Dios de la esperanza y te deja lleno de esperanza sobrenatural.

Hope is a rope that links us to truth and there is no greater Truth to which you can affix your “hope-rope” than God himself. At one time we were “without hope and without God,” but “on him we have set our hope” (Eph. 2:12, 2 Cor. 1:9–10). The God of hope will never let you down. See also the entrada for Rom. 15:13.

(mi) Gracia; ver entrada for 1 Pet. 5:5.

(F) La revelación de Jesucristo. El glorioso regreso del Señor Jesús; ver entrada for 1 Pet. 1:7.

1 Pedro 1:14

Como hijos obedientes, no os conforméis a las concupiscencias que antes tenéis en vuestra ignorancia,

(a) Niños obedientes. Los creyentes son conocidos como hijos de Dios (ver entrada for 1 John 5:2). We obey our Father because we know how good he is and how much he loves us.

In the old covenant, obedience was defined as compliance to a set of laws. But in the new covenant obedience is the fruit of trusting Jesus. Because we have come to realize that God is good we have confidence in his Son (1 John 3:23).

(b) Los antiguos deseos son los deseos de vuestra vieja e inútil forma de vida, cuando anduvisteis en pos de la carne, estabais cautivos de vuestros apetitos y no pensasteis en las cosas de Dios.

(C) Ignorancia. Cuando eras incrédulo y no sabías que había una mejor manera de vivir.

1 Pedro 1:15

sino como el Santo que os llamó, sed también vosotros santos en toda vuestra conducta;

(a) El Santo es el Señor Dios.

Although the Holy One is usually a reference to the Son of God (e.g., Mark 1:24, John 6:69, Acts 2:27), the context here suggests God the Father. It is “the God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ” (1 Pet. 5:10). Jesus referred to God as his Holy Father (John 17:11).

(b) Quién te llamó. God’s call to turn to him and be saved goes out to the ends of the earth (Is. 45:22). God calls us to himself that we might be saved (Is. 45:22). He calls all of us, Jew and Gentile alike, to come out of darkness and enter into his wonderful light (1 Cor. 1:24, 1 Pet. 2:9). Not everyone responds to his call, but those who do are known as the called of Jesus Christ (Rom. 1:6).

(C) se santo because you are holy. You are a holy priesthood and a holy nation (1 Pet. 2:5, 9). You are the holy offspring of your Holy Father. So ser santo porque tu son santo. Actuar de otra manera es contrario a tu nueva naturaleza.

Some say holy behavior is an unobtainable goal. It’s something to strive for knowing that you will never hit the mark while you are in your earthly body. Yet Christ’s perfections more than compensate for our imperfections, and Christ the Holy One lives in you. Learn to see your body as a holy and living sacrifice, totally acceptable to God (Rom. 12:1).

(d) En todo tu comportamiento. El comportamiento sigue a la identidad. Cuando sepas quién eres – un santo hijo del Santo Padre – sabrás cómo actuar. No somos santos porque actuamos santos, pero actuaremos santos cuando nos demos cuenta de que somos personas santas.

The New Testament is peppered with exhortations to be holy (Eph. 1:4, 1 Th. 4:7, Heb. 12:14, 1 Pet. 1:15, 2 Pet. 3:11, Rev. 22:11). We are called to be holy because in Christ we are holy.

1 Pedro 1:16

porque escrito está: “SERÉIS SANTOS, PORQUE YO SOY SANTO”.

(a) Escrito. The quote comes from Leviticus 11:45: “For I am the Lord who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God; thus you shall be holy, for I am holy.” This passage is significant for it is the first time in the Bible that God is described as holy.

Under the old covenant, the command to be holy was bad news because no one can be as holy as God. But in the new covenant, the exhortation to be holy is a thrilling invitation to the holy and beautiful life that is ours in Christ. Because you are begotten by a holy Father, you are holy and can be holy in all you do (1 Cor. 1:2, Heb. 10:10). Holiness is not something to work for but a gift to receive and enjoy.

(b) Sed santos; ver verso anterior.

(C) Soy santo. Dios es la definición de santidad.

God is holy and holy is his name (Luke 1:49). To say God is holy is to refer to the wholeness, fullness, beauty, and abundant life that overflows within the Godhead. God lacks nothing. In contrast with sinful humanity, He is unbroken, undamaged, unfallen, completely complete and entire within himself. He is the indivisible One, wholly self-sufficient, and the picture of perfection.

Ver entrada por Santidad.

1 Pedro 1:17

Si os diréis como Padre a Aquel que juzga imparcialmente según la obra de cada uno, comportaos con temor durante el tiempo de vuestra estancia en la tierra;

(a) Padre. ¿Qué hace que el nuevo pacto? nuevo es que reconocemos a Dios como nuestro Padre celestial y a nosotros mismos como sus hijos amados (ver entrada for 1 John 3:1).

An old covenant mindset causes you to view God as a bookkeeper recording your sins or a judge condemning your failures. But Jesus revealed a God who loves you like a Father (John 16:27). In the old covenant, no one dared to address the Almighty in familiar terms. But after Jesus, every New Testament writer did (see entrada for Matt. 5:16)

Otras lecturas: "¿Qué hace nuevo al nuevo pacto?"

(b) El trabajo de cada uno. Somos juzgados por lo que hemos hecho con Jesús.

This verse is a favorite of those who preach works. “One day God will judge the good works you have done in this life.” But if we could stand before God on the basis of our works, we would have no need for grace. Or Jesus. Our righteous works are like filthy rags (Is. 64:6).

On several occasions Peter heard the Lord talk about being judged or repaid for what we have done (Matt. 16:27, John 5:29). Peter came to understand that the only work that counts with God is the work of believing in the One he has sent. Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ is the action that reveals our faith (see entrada for John 6:29).

(C) Compórtense con miedo. Viva en reverencia y asombro ante Dios.

Aunque la palabra original para miedo (fobos) literally means fear, Peter’s use of this word in other contexts suggests reverence or deference (e.g., 1 Pet. 3:2). In the new covenant, to fear the Lord is to worship and revere him (see entrada for 1 Pet. 2:17). Peter is saying, “If you know God as your heavenly Father, let your conduct on earth be your spiritual act of worship.”

Why worship the Lord? In the opening chapter of his letter Peter gives us several reasons. We worship the Lord because he redeemed us from bondage with the precious blood of Christ (1 Pet. 1:18–19); he has given us rebirth through imperishable seed into new life (1 Pet. 1:23); he has sanctified us by his Spirit (1 Pet. 1:2); he is reserving for us an eternal inheritance (1 Pet. 1:4), and he protects us with his mighty power (1 Pet. 1:5).

Otras lecturas: "¿Qué es el temor del Señor?"

1 Pedro 1:18

sabiendo que no fuisteis redimidos con cosas corruptibles como plata u oro de vuestra vanidad de vida heredada de vuestros antepasados,

(a) Redimido. To be redeemed is to be ransomed. You were a slave of sin, but a free man from heaven purchased you and now you are free (Gal. 5:1).

Throughout history many pseudo-saviors have come promising freedom, but every one of them was a slave to sin. They couldn’t save anyone (Ps. 49:7–8). We needed a free man to redeem us and Jesus is the free man who gave his life as a ransom for all (1 Tim. 2:6). See entrada por el Nacimiento Virginal.

(b) Cosas perecederas. No fuiste rescatado con algo tan común como plata u oro sino con la preciosa sangre de Cristo (ver el siguiente versículo).

(C) Tu inútil forma de vida. La palabra original para inútil (mataios) means empty or useless. Such was the life we had when we lived for our appetites and without regard for the things of God. (1 Pet. 1:14).

(d) Antepasados. Tu árbol genealógico está plagado de pecadores desde Adán hasta tus antepasados. Actuamos como pecadores porque así nos enseña el mundo a actuar. Ver entrada por la naturaleza pecaminosa.

1 Pedro 1:19

sino con sangre preciosa, como de cordero, sin mancha y sin mancha, la sangre de Cristo.

(a) Preciosa sangre. Fuiste rescatado con la sustancia más valiosa del universo: la preciosa sangre del único Hijo de Dios.

(b) Como de cordero. Jesús es el Cordero de Dios que quitó el pecado del mundo; ver entrada for John 1:29.

(C) Impecable e impecable. In the old covenant, a sinner had to sacrifice a lamb that was without blemish (Ex. 12:5). But in the new covenant, we have been eternally redeemed by the superior sacrifice of the sinless Son of God (1 Pet. 2:22).

1 Pedro 1:20

Porque Él era conocido desde antes de la fundación del mundo, pero ha aparecido en estos últimos tiempos por amor a vosotros.

(a) De antemano. God knew in advance that he would send his Son to redeem us (Rom. 8:29).Before Adam sinned and condemned humanity to death, God had a plan to rescue us.

(b) Estos últimos tiempos are the last days (2 Pet. 3:3). Some say the last days are the present generation, but last days or last times began 2000 years ago when Jesus began his earthly ministry (see entrada for Heb. 1:2).

1 Pedro 1:21

quienes por él creéis en Dios, que le resucitó de entre los muertos y le dio gloria, para que vuestra fe y esperanza esté en Dios.

(a) A través de él. It is through the Son that we came to know and trust the Father (John 14:6).

(b) Creyentes en Dios. Many religious people consider themselves believers in God, but unless they come to the Father through the Son their faith is dead and useless It is not a saving faith (Jas. 2:14, 17).

(C) Dios, quien lo resucitó. Although the religious Jews believed in God, they did not believe that he raised Jesus from the dead. They did not share the faith of those who were witnesses of the resurrection (2 Pet. 1:1).

(d) Gloria. El sustantivo original (dox) significa majestad, magnificencia, esplendor, preeminencia y exaltación.

(mi) Fe y esperanza. Nuestra fe y esperanza no están en nosotros mismos ni en nuestras obras; nuestra fe y esperanza están en el Señor y su obra consumada.

1 Pedro 1:22

Ya que, en obediencia a la verdad, habéis purificado vuestras almas para un amor sincero de hermanos, amaos unos a otros fervientemente de corazón,

(un) Obediencia a la verdad. You obeyed Christ’s call to believe the gospel (Mark 1:15). You obeyed God’s command to believe in the Name of his Son (1 John 3:23).

(b) Purificó vuestras almas. Our souls were purified when we heeded the truth of the gospel and were born again (1 Cor. 6:11, 1 John 1:7, 9).

El predicador de obras cita erróneamente este versículo: “Debéis purificar vuestras almas mediante la oración y la disciplina”. Pero Pedro dice que nuestras almas eran purified when we obeyed the truth and came to Jesus. Your soul is not filthy. When you were born again you were given a new heart and a new mind with new desires to please the Lord (Eze. 11:19, 36:26, 1 Cor. 2:16).

Otras lecturas: "Espíritu y alma"

(C) Fervorosamente significa con intención; ver entrada for 1 Pet. 4:8.

(d) Amaos unos a otros. We don’t purify our souls by loving others. Rather, we are able to love others because God first loved us (1 John 4:19). Love for our Christian brothers and sisters is a sign that someone is growing in the love and grace of God (2 Pet. 1:7, 1 John 3:14).

(mi) Unos y otros. Aunque estamos llamados a compartir el amor de Dios con todas las personas, la exhortación a amar se aplica intencionalmente a “los hermanos”, es decir, la familia de Dios o los hermanos en la fe.

1 Pedro 1:23

porque habéis nacido de nuevo, no de semilla corruptible sino de incorruptible, es decir, por la palabra de Dios viva y duradera.

(a) Nacido de nuevo; ver entrada for 1 Pet. 1:3.

(b) Semilla. The imperishable seed is the living and enduring word of God (Luke 8:11). It is the spiritual DNA of Jesus himself (1 John 3:9). Jesus is the Word of life (1 John 1:1) who imparts life like a seed.

(C) Imperecedero. Because you have been born of imperishable seed, you are eternally saved and secure. No one can undo what the Lord has done and no one can snatch you from your Father’s hand (John 10:29).

Otras lecturas: "Escrituras de seguridad eterna"

(d) La palabra de Dios God is most clearly revealed in his Son. Jesus is the Word made flesh and the Living Word of God (John 1:14, Rev. 19:13).

The word of God refers to the way God makes himself and his will known (1 Sam. 3:21). God’s word is powerful, creative and sustains all things (2 Pet. 3:5). His word is the means by which the universe came into existence (Gen. 1:3, John 1:1), and his word gives life to the dead (Eze. 37:4). His word is a lamp that guides us in the path of life (Ps. 119:105), and his word always comes to pass (Is. 55:11).

Algunas personas equiparan la palabra de Dios con la Biblia. Aunque la Biblia revela la palabra de Dios, sería incorrecto decir que has nacido de nuevo de la Biblia. La semilla imperecedera que os da nueva vida no es la palabra escrita sino la Palabra Viva que habita en vosotros. Ver entrada por Palabra de Dios.

1 Pedro 1:24-25


(a) toda carne withers and dies like grass. Life is a vapor that appears for a time then vanishes away (Jas. 4:14).

(b) Perdura para siempre. In contrast, those who have been born again through the life-giving word of God, endure forever. This prophecy comes from Isaiah 40:6–8.

(C) La palabra del Señor created the heavens and the earth (2 Pet. 3:5) The creative word of the Lord fills you with new and lasting life.

(d) Perdura para siempre. In scripture, two things endure forever; the word of the Lord and the love of God (1 Cor. 13:7). When you know the love of God and allow the word of the Lord to take root in your heart, you will endure forever.

(mi) Predicado. The creative life-giving word of God that was preached to you is the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Word of God made flesh who sustains all things and through whom all things were made (Col. 1:16, Heb. 1:3).

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“El Comentario de Gracia está lleno de notas de amor de Dios hacia nosotros”. Estamos construyendo el primer comentario bíblico basado en la gracia del mundo. Únete al equipo y su apoyo nos ayudará a completar el Comentario de Gracia y ofrecer versiones en múltiples formatos e idiomas.

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