Lucas 7

Luke 7:3

When he heard about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders asking Him to come and save the life of his slave.

Jewish elders were respected community leaders. See entrada for Matt. 16:21.

Lucas 7:9

E Jesus, ouvindo isto, admirou-se dele e, voltando-se, disse à multidão que o seguia: Digo-vos que nem mesmo em Israel encontrei tamanha fé.

Tão grande fé. O centurião teve uma revelação de Jesus que foi maior do que a maioria. “Apenas diga a palavra.”

It’s a mistake to conclude that the size of our faith matters or that we need more faith before we can access the grace of God. Even a small mustard-seed amount of faith is enough to move mountains (Matt. 17:20). We don’t need more faith as much as we need a deeper revelation of God’s love for us. It is his goodness that inspires us to trust him.

Luke 7:13

When the Lord saw her, He felt compassion for her, and said to her, “Do not weep.”

Compassion. The original word for compassion (splagchnizomai) appears a dozen times in the New Testament and in every case it is associated with the divine compassion revealed in Jesus Christ. See entrada for Compassion.

Lucas 7:20

Quando os homens se aproximaram dele, disseram: “João Batista nos enviou a ti para perguntar: 'És tu o esperado, ou esperamos outro?'”

João Batista; Vejo entrada for Mark 1:4.

Lucas 7:22

E, respondendo, disse-lhes: Ide e contai a João o que tendes visto e ouvido: os CEGOS RECEBEM A VISTA, os coxos andam, os leprosos são purificados, os surdos ouvem, os mortos são ressuscitados, os pobres têm a O EVANGELHO PREGOU A ELES.

O Evangelho refere-se ao evangelho de Cristo ou ao evangelho de Deus ou ao evangelho do reino. Todos esses são rótulos diferentes para o evangelho da graça. Ver entrada para o Evangelho.

Lucas 7:29

Quando todo o povo e os publicanos ouviram isso, reconheceram a justiça de Deus, tendo sido batizados com o batismo de João.

Batizado... batismo. As palavras originais implicam imersão total. Ver entrada para o Batismo.

Lucas 7:30

Mas os fariseus e os doutores da lei rejeitaram o propósito de Deus para si mesmos, não tendo sido batizados por João.

(uma) Pharisees; Vejo entrada for Matt. 3:7.

(b) Lawyers. A lawyer was an expert in the Law of Moses. A lawyer was probably similar to a scribe (see entrada for Matt. 22:35).

(c) Não ter sido batizado. The ceremonial washing of hands was an old covenant ritual, but there was nothing that looked like water baptism. When John started baptizing people in the River Jordan, the religious leaders thought it was strange and refused to participate (John 1:25).

Lucas 7:34

“O Filho do Homem veio comendo e bebendo, e vocês dizem: 'Eis um comilão e beberrão, amigo de publicanos e pecadores!'

(uma) O Filho do Homem; Vejo entrada for Matt. 8:20.

(b) Tax collectors and sinners. Tax collectors were revenue collectors for the hated Roman occupiers, while sinners were the irreligious and those considered unrighteous (Matt. 9:13). The word “sinner” in the Gospels, typically refers to someone who does not keep the law (John 7:49).

(c) pecadores. If the original language did not lack punctuation marks, the word “sinners” would be in quotation marks. Religious people called them sinners; Jesus called them lost sheep (Matt. 10:6, 15:24).

Luke 7:36

Now one of the Pharisees was requesting Him to dine with him, and He entered the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table.

(uma) Pharisees; Vejo entrada for Matt. 3:7.

(b) The Pharisee’s house. This Pharisee was called Simon (Luke 7:40). He is one of nine Simon’s named in the New Testament.

Luke 7:37

And there was a woman in the city who was a sinner; and when she learned that He was reclining at the table in the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster vial of perfume,

(uma) Sinner; Vejo entrada for Luke 7:39.

(b) Perfume. The story of a woman anointing Jesus with costly perfume is recorded in all four gospels. In the accounts of Matthew, Mark and John, the anointing took place in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper, shortly before Christ’s death (Matt. 26:6–7, Mark 14:3, John 12:1–3). Here in Luke’s account, the anointing took place in the home of a Pharisee who coincidentally was also called Simon (Luke 7:40). It seems that Jesus was anointed twice. First in the house of the Pharisee, which may have been in Galilee, and then again here in the house of Simon the Leper in Judea. See also the entrada for Matt. 26:7.

Luke 7:39

Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet He would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a sinner.”

(uma) Said to himself. Simon the Pharisee kept his thoughts to himself, but Jesus knew what he was thinking.

(b) Sinner. What sort of sinner she was isn’t stated, but it is significant that the Pharisee mistook acceptance of Jesus for ignorance.

Since Jesus was also anointed by Mary of Bethany (see John 12:3), some have concluded that Mary was the sinner mentioned here. Others have said that this particular sinner was Mary Magdalene. There is no evidence to support these claims. This nameless woman was simply a sinner, as we all are apart from the grace of God.

Lucas 7:42

“Quando eles não puderam pagar, ele perdoou graciosamente a ambos. Então, qual deles o amará mais?”

(uma) Eles não conseguiram pagar. Como os devedores da história, somos incapazes de nos salvar.

(b) Ele graciosamente perdoou os dois. What a wonderful picture of the free grace and forgiveness that God extends to us (Eph. 1:7). Jesus died for us while we were sinners, and he forgave us while we were sinners (Col. 2:13). Before you repented, confessed, or did anything, the Lamb of God carried away all your sins – past, present, and future. See entrada for Luke 23:34.

(c) perdoou. A palavra original para perdoou (charizomai) significa mostrar favor ou bondade. Está intimamente relacionado com a palavra que significa graça (charis). In context, the word means unconditional forgiveness (see also Luke 7:43, 2 Cor. 2:7, 10, 12:13, Eph. 4:32, Col. 2:13, 3:13). This word is sometimes translated as dar, deram, ou dado (Luke 7:21, Rom. 8:32, Php. 1:29, 2:9) reinforcing the new covenant revelation that forgiveness is a gift to be received by faith (see entrada for Acts 13:38).

Luke 7:44

Turning toward the woman, He said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has wet My feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.

Simon. There are nine men named Simon in the New Testament; see entrada for Matt. 4:18.

Lucas 7:45

“Você não me deu nenhum beijo; mas ela, desde que entrei, não cessou de beijar-me os pés.

Beijo. The Jews greeted one another with a kiss of friendship (Gen. 27:26), and the early Christians adopted this practice (see entrada for Rom. 16:16).

Lucas 7:47

“Por isso vos digo que os seus muitos pecados lhe foram perdoados, porque ela muito amou; mas aquele a quem pouco se perdoa, pouco ama.”

(uma) foram perdoados. Prior to the cross, Jesus preached conditional forgiveness to people living under the old covenant. “If you forgive, God will forgive” (Matt. 6:14, Mark 11:25). However, as the messenger of the new covenant, he also demonstrated and proclaimed unconditional forgiveness (Matt. 9:2, 18:27, Luke 7:42, 23:34). On the night he rose from the dead, he told the disciples to preach the good news of unconditional forgiveness (see entrada for Luke 24:47).

(b) Perdoado; Vejo entrada para o perdão.

Lucas 7:50

E disse à mulher: “A tua fé te salvou; vá em paz."

Sua fé te salvou. It is the grace of God that saves us, but since grace only comes by faith (Eph. 2:8), Jesus said what he said.

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