Hebreus 10

Hebreus 10:1

Pois a lei, visto que tem apenas uma sombra dos bens futuros e não a própria forma das coisas, nunca pode, pelos mesmos sacrifícios que continuamente oferecem ano após ano, aperfeiçoar aqueles que se aproximam.

(uma) A lei refers to the Law of Moses (Jos. 8:31, John 1:17). See entrada para a Lei.

(b) As coisas boas que virão which were foreshadowed in the Law refers to Jesus himself and the new covenant forged in his blood (Matt. 7:11, Rom. 10:15, Phm. 1:6). “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” asked Nathanael (John 1:46). Jesus is the Good Thing who satisfies the hungry (Luke 1:53).

(c) Draw near. We can approach God freely and boldly with complete confidence (Heb. 7:19, 10:22, Jas. 4:8). We draw near to the Father through the Son (Heb. 7:25).

Hebreus 10:5


(uma) Quando Ele vier ao mundo. On numerous occasions, Jesus told his disciples that he was not from earth but had come or been sent from heaven. “I have come down from heaven” (John 6:38). Because of Adam, humanity was on death row. (Romans 6 calls it living under the condemnation of sin and death.) But Jesus was not from Adam’s fallen line. Jesus was born outside the prison. Only a free man can ransom a slave.

(b) Um corpo. The word for body (soma) means a whole body. The Holy Spirit did not prepare half of a body, but a whole one. In the Passion Translation of this verse, Christ says “You have clothed me with a body.” One day, Mary was not pregnant; the next, “she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 1:18, ESV). There is much mystery in this. How did the miracle of the Virgin Birth take place? We don’t know the how, but we know the Who. How did the Word become flesh? The Holy Spirit is the answer.

For most of us, life begins in the womb, but Jesus had no beginning. The Word who became flesh was with God when creation began (John 1:1). Jesus did not need a sperm donor or an egg donor. He needed a body, and that’s what the Holy Spirit provided.

Jesus is the eternal God, the Creator of all including Joseph and Mary (John 1:1, Col 1:15–16). Just as Joseph contributed no DNA to Jesus, neither did Mary. How could she, since she was just as much a part of Adam’s enslaved family as Joseph. Mary provided a womb, but no egg.

Ver entrada para o nascimento virginal.

Hebreus 10:10

Por esta vontade temos sido santificados pela oferta do corpo de Jesus Cristo uma vez por todas.

(uma) Por esta vontade fomos santificados. Foi decisão de Deus santificá-lo.

(b) Através da oferta do corpo. We have been sanctified through the sacrifice of Jesus (Heb. 10:14).

Perhaps you have heard you need to show resolve and discipline your body to make yourself holy. This is not what the Bible says. It is God’s will and Jesus’ body that sanctifies you once and for all time. Your part is to believe that Jesus has done it all (Acts 26:18).

(c) De uma vez por todas. For the third time the “once for all” phrase appears emphasizing that Christ’s sacrifice was a perfect sacrifice that needs no sequel (Heb. 7:27, 9:12). Anything we might add to his finished work only detracts from its sublime perfection.

Hebreus 10:13


Espera. At present, Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father waiting. But when the Father gives the word, he will return speedily to earth in glory (see Heb. 10:37).

Hebreus 10:14

Pois com uma só oferta Ele aperfeiçoou para sempre os que são santificados.

(uma) Aperfeiçoado para sempre. A santificação não é um processo contínuo que requer anos de laborioso auto-aperfeiçoamento. Assim como você é casado ou solteiro, você é santo ou profano, e em Cristo, você é 100% santo. Você nunca será mais santo do que no dia em que foi colocado no Santo. Você é o templo santo do Espírito Santo.

(b) Aqueles que são santificados. Ao longo das escrituras, os cristãos são consistentemente referidos a santos santificados. Ver entrada for Acts 26:18.

In all history only one person ever succeeded in sanctifying himself, and he did it on your behalf. “I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified” (John 17:19).

Hebreus 10:16

Ele então diz,

Porei minhas leis em seus corações. The law that God writes on our hearts and minds is not to the knowledge of right and wrong, nor is it the law of Moses. The only laws that God writes on our hearts are his royal laws of love and faith (John 10:34, Rom. 3:27). God pours out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5). He teaches us to trust him and he empowers us to love others (1 John 4:19).

Yet there is an even deeper meaning to these laws that God writes on our hearts. Jeremiah the prophet said that those who had the new law written on their hearts would know the Lord and would no longer need others to teach them (Jer. 31:33-34). He was referring to the indwelling Spirit (a.k.a. the law of the Spirit of life) and the believer’s union with Christ. One with the Lord you have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16), and his indwelling Spirit teaches you all things (John 14:26). The law of the Lord written into your members is your Father’s spiritual DNA. It is the seed of God birthed in you by the Holy Spirit. It is Jesus himself. Jesus is the new law written, by God, in your heart and mind.

Leitura complementar: “Qual é a lei escrita em nossos corações?

Hebreus 10:17


não me lembrarei mais. If the old covenant was characterized by the marking of sins (Jer. 14:10, Hos. 7:2, 8:13, 9:9), the new covenant is characterized by the remission or dismissal of sins. Unconditional love implies unconditional forgiveness. Because of his great love for us, God remembers our sins no more, just as the prophets foretold (Is. 43:25, Jer. 31:34).

Hebreus 10:18

Agora, onde há perdão dessas coisas, não há mais oferta pelo pecado.

(uma) Perdão. Because of his great love, God chooses to remember your sins no more (Heb. 8:12, 10:17), and he is no longer holding your sins and trespasses against you (2 Cor. 5:19).

A palavra original para perdão (afese) às vezes é traduzido como remissão. Significa um desapego ou demissão. Na noite em que ressuscitou, Jesus disse aos discípulos que pregassem a remissão dos pecados ou as boas novas do perdão incondicional (ver entrada for Luke 24:47).

(b) Não há mais oferta pelo pecado. As far as God is concerned, there is nothing you need to do to deal with your sins. You don’t need to review them, confess them, or atone for them, because all your sins – past, present and future – were dealt with once and for all at the cross (Heb. 9:26). Sin surely has destructive consequences, but your sin cannot keep you from God’s throne of grace.

Hebreus 10:22

aproximemo-nos com coração sincero, em plena certeza de fé, tendo o coração purificado de má consciência e lavado o corpo com água pura.

(uma) Plena certeza de fé. Você pode estar plenamente convencido de que seu Pai o ama e quer que você se aproxime.

You can be weak in faith (Rom. 14:1) or you can be strengthened in the faith (Acts 16:5, 1 Th. 3:2) and grow strong in faith (Rom. 4:20). You can waver in unbelief or you can be established and standing firm in your faith (1 Cor. 16:13). You can be lacking in faith (1 Th. 3:10) or you can build yourself up in the most holy faith (Jude 1:20) until you are rich in faith (Jas. 2:5) and full of faith (Acts 11:24). One of the ways we strengthen our faith is by growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus (2 Pet. 3:18). As our understanding of God’s love deepens, our trust in him is strengthened.

(b) Our hearts sprinkled clean. Only the blood of Jesus can cleanse an evil conscience.

(c) Evil conscience. Some Bibles wrongly translate this as a guilty conscience. Guilt is a common symptom of a life lived under law, but the word hardly appears in the New Testament. In Christ we are righteous, justified, and 100 percent not guilty. But if your conscience condemns you as guilty, perhaps because you heard a graceless message, then your conscience has become an accusing, hurtful and evil conscience. Sometimes we battle condemnation in the form of self-criticism or self-doubt. When that happens, we need to remind ourselves that “God is greater than our heart and knows all things” (1 John 3:20). Our heavenly Father knows every dumb thing you’ve done and every dumb thing you’re going to do, and knowing all this he still loves you and calls you “Beloved” (1 John 2:7). There is nothing you can do to make the Father love you any more, and nothing you can do to make him love you any less. Knowing this fills you with confidence (1 John 3:21) and helps to silence the inner critic.

Hebreus 10:25

não deixando de nos congregar, como é costume de alguns, mas encorajando-nos uns aos outros; e tanto mais quanto você vê o dia se aproximando.

O dia se aproximando. Judgment Day (see Heb. 9:27–28).

Hebreus 10:26

Porque, se pecarmos voluntariamente, depois de termos recebido o conhecimento da verdade, já não resta mais sacrifício pelos pecados,

(uma) Pois se continuarmos pecando voluntariamente. Em outras palavras, se continuarmos confiando em nossos próprios remédios para o pecado.

Alguns usam esta passagem para manter os cristãos na linha. “Se você pecar de propósito, você está fora do reino.” Mas isso não é remotamente bíblico. Quando você tropeça no pecado, Jesus fala em sua defesa; ele não te condena (veja entrada for 1 John 2:1). The author is not talking about Christians who sin, but those who refuse to recognize Jesus as the once and for all solution to their sin.

The Jews had a sophisticated sin-management program. When you sinned, you relied on the blood of bulls and goats to atone for your sin. Although this system did not actually remove your sin (Heb. 10:4), it kept you going until the final solution for sin was revealed, namely Jesus, the Lamb of God who carried the sin of the whole world.

When Jesus appeared to do away with sin once and for all (Heb. 10:12), that old system of bulls and goats was rendered obsolete. Yet some Jews, refusing to recognize the Lamb of God, continued relying on the old system of animal sacrifice. They preferred the altar to the cross. An example comes from those in Nazareth who heard Jesus preach the good news of grace yet rejected the message and tried to kill the Messenger. See entrada for Luke 4:28.

(b) Depois de receber o conhecimento da verdade. A única maneira de lidar com o nosso pecado é confiar na morte sacrificial de uma vez por todas de Jesus Cristo.

(c) Não resta mais sacrifício pelos pecados. Se você rejeitar a obra consumada de Cristo, não há nada que você possa fazer para lidar com seus pecados. Uma vida inteira de boas obras e serviço sacrificial não pode limpar a lousa. Somente o Filho de Deus pode nos salvar de nossos pecados.

A preferência pelo altar sobre a cruz persiste sempre que pensamos que temos que trazer sacrifícios para que Deus nos perdoe. Essa confiança no altar vem diretamente da antiga aliança. A nova aliança revela um caminho melhor. Veja a cruz; seus pecados estão lá.

Hebreus 10:27

mas uma terrível expectativa de julgamento e A FÚRIA DE UM FOGO QUE CONSOME OS ADVERSÁRIOS.

(uma) Uma terrível expectativa de julgamento. Aqueles que rejeitam o Filho tornam-se inimigos do Pai. Aqueles que pensam que podem se salvar apenas se condenam.

(b) A fúria de um incêndio. Our God is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29, see also Is. 26:11).

The ungodly and all those things that are opposed to God’s goodwill will be destroyed by fire (2 Pet. 2:6, 3:7).

On several occasions, the Lord spoke of fire in connection with Judgment Day (Matt. 5:22, 13:42, 50, 18:9, 25:41, Mark 9:43, Luke 17:29–30, John 15:6). He did not dread this fire but he looked forward to it knowing that it would spell the end of sin and usher in eternity (see entrada for Luke 12:49).

(c) Fogo is Old Testament image associated with divine judgment (Is. 66:15–16, Oba. 1:18, Zeph. 3:8, Mal. 4:1). Jesus often spoke of fire in connection with Judgment Day (Matt. 5:22, 13:42, 50, 18:9, 25:41, Mark 9:43, Luke 17:29–30, John 15:6). He did not dread this fire but he looked forward to it knowing that it would spell the end of sin and usher in eternity (see entrada for Luke 12:49).

Hebreus 10:28

Qualquer um que tenha anulado a Lei de Moisés morre sem misericórdia pelo depoimento de duas ou três testemunhas.

(uma) A Lei de Moisés refers to the commandments, ordinances, punishments, and ceremonial observances given to the nation of Israel through Moses (Jos. 8:31). This law is sometimes referred to as the law of commandments (Eph. 2:15) or the law of the Jews (Acts 25:8). See entrada para a Lei.

(b) Morre sem piedade. The consequence for rejecting the Law of Moses was death (see Deu.17:2-6; Heb. 2:2).

Hebreus 10:29

Quanta punição mais severa você acha que merecerá aquele que pisoteou o Filho de Deus, e considerou imundo o sangue da aliança pela qual foi santificado, e insultou o Espírito da graça?

(uma) Quanta punição mais severa você acha que ele merece. If rejecting the Law of Moses was serious, you can be sure that rejecting God’s Son is far worse (see Heb. 10:31).

(b) Pisado sob o pé. In the new covenant, faith is described as a rest (Rom. 4:5, Heb. 4:3), while unbelief is described as in terms of action words like pisando e endurecimento seu coração. Ver entrada for Heb. 3:8.

(c) O Filho de Deus. In rejecting Jesus, the religious leaders thought they had rejected a false messiah. In reality, they had rejected the only begotten Son of God. God himself will have something to say about that (Heb. 10:31).

(d) Tem considerado impuro o sangue da aliança. Continuar confiando no sangue de touros e bodes é desprezar o sacrifício superior do Filho de Deus como impuro ou sem valor.

(e) Pelo qual ele foi santificado. The blood of Jesus not only deals with our sins once and for all (Heb. 10:12), but it sanctifies us (Heb. 10:10).

Some say this passage is referring to sanctified Christians, but the context indicates it is referring to unbelievers who insult the Spirit of grace by rejecting Christ’s sacrifice (Heb. 10:26). Yet even the worst unbeliever is precious to God. God does not look at anyone as an unholy sinner. Instead, he sees lost people who are worth dying for. Jesus died for everyone and that makes everyone valuable to God.

When Moses sprinkled the blood of the bulls to confirm the old covenant (Ex. 24:6-8) he did it on behalf of the whole camp including those who would reject the covenant and be cut off. Similarly, when Jesus made a covenant with the Father, he did it on behalf of the whole world including those who would reject the covenant through unbelief.

Jesus is like the faithful husband who sanctifies the unbelieving wife (1 Cor. 7:14). We all need to receive by faith the sanctification that Christ has provided (Acts 26:18). But it is Jesus, not our faith, that makes us holy.

(f) Insultou o Espírito da graça. Insultamos o Espírito da graça recusando-nos a acreditar no que ele diz sobre Jesus e confiando em nossas próprias obras e sacrifícios. Podemos chamar isso de “provar nossa salvação” ou “apropriar-se do que Deus deu”, mas na verdade é incredulidade. É como dizer: “Esqueça a cruz, estou agarrado ao altar dos meus sacrifícios”.

(g) O Espírito da graça. O Espírito Santo sempre lhe indicará Aquele que é cheio de graça; ele nunca o apontará para a lei ou o condenará como um infrator. Ver entrada for John 16:10.

Hebreus 10:30

Pois conhecemos Aquele que disse: “Minha é a vingança, eu retribuirei”. E novamente, “O SENHOR JULGARÁ O SEU POVO”.

(uma) A vingança é minha. The writer quotes a pair of promises from the Song of Moses (Deut. 32:35-36). The vengeance-is-mine promise is directed towards God’s enemies, while the Lord-will-judge-his-people promise is for the church.

(b) Vengeance. There are two types of vengeance; vindictive (an eye for an eye) and vindicating (making right). It is the latter which is implied here (2 Cor. 7:11).

Isaiah said “God will come with vengeance,” and when he does blind eyes will be opened, deaf ears will hear, and barren lands will become fruitful (Is. 35:4–7). On the day God pours out his wrath on those things which are opposed to his goodness – blindness, barrenness and every other bad thing – the mute will shout for joy and the lame will leap like deer. God will reveal his vengeance in full on the day Jesus is revealed from heaven (2 Th. 1:8).

(c) O Senhor julgará seu povo with compassion, not punishment. “For the Lord will vindicate his people, and will have compassion on his servants” (Deut. 32:36; see also Ps. 135:14).

On Judgment Day, the Lord will separate the wheat from the chaff (Matt. 13:30). Those who trust in the Lord will be vindicated and not put to shame.

Hebreus 10:31

É uma coisa terrível cair nas mãos do Deus vivo.

(uma) É uma coisa assustadora. Since those in Christ have nothing to fear from Judgment Day (1 John 4:17), this passage is referring to those who have hardened their hearts to the grace of God.

(b) Para cair nas mãos do Deus vivo. In the parable of the vineyard workers, the rejection and murder of the son aroused the wrath of the father. “He will bring those wretches to a wretched end” (Matt. 21:41). Similarly, those who trample underfoot the Son of God will reap the wrath of God the Father.

Hebreus 10:35

Portanto, não jogue fora sua confiança, que tem uma grande recompensa.

(uma) Não jogue fora sua confiança. The default setting of the children of God is one of confidence and boldness (Heb. 4:16). Those who have been justified by God, are eternally unpunishable and cannot be condemned (Rom. 8:33). They can look forward to the Lord’s return with confidence (1 John 2:28).

However, if you buy into a message of guilt and condemnation and begin to doubt the goodness of God, you will throw away your confidence and fall from grace (1 John 3:21). This is why we need to reassure our hearts that God’s grace is greater than our sin and his best is better than our worst.

(b) Uma grande recompensa. A recompensa da nossa fé é o próprio Deus e saber que ele está conosco enquanto passamos pelas provações da vida.

Deus está sempre conosco – ele prometeu nunca nos deixar – mas você não estará confiante de sua presença se sua consciência o condenar. Se você acha que precisa ganhar o favor de Deus ou que seus pecados o afastam, você terá jogado fora sua confiança e não estará mais desfrutando de sua grande recompensa.

Hebreus 10:37


No one apart from the Father knows the hour or day of the Lord’s return (Mark 13:32). Jesus does not know quando ele vai voltar, mas ele sabe Como as ele vai voltar. “Virei rapidamente. Quando meu Pai der a palavra, virei sem demora” (ver entrada for Rev. 3:11).

Hebreus 10:39

Mas não somos daqueles que recuam para a destruição, mas daqueles que têm fé para a preservação da alma.

(uma) Reduzir. Algumas pessoas ouvem as boas novas da graça de Deus e recuam pensando: “É bom demais para ser verdade. É melhor eu fazer um pequeno seguro de obras. Eles insultam o Espírito da graça tentando pagar pelo que Deus proveu gratuitamente.

(b) Destruction. No earthly city will last (Heb. 13:14). Those who align themselves with the fallen city of man will find they have no place in the city built by God (Heb. 11:16). Like the tares they will be weeded out; like bad fish they will be thrown away (Matt. 13:40–41, 48).

(c) Aqueles que têm fé. No final, existem dois tipos de pessoas; aqueles que não entram no descanso de Deus por causa de sua incredulidade e aqueles que crêem e são salvos. A característica distintiva não é o pecado, que foi eliminado, mas a fé. É a fé que nos permite aproximar-nos de Deus e receber a graça que preserva ou salva a alma.

(d) My soul. Your soul is you. It is that part of you that contains your personality, memories, and intentions. Metaphorically, it is your heart and mind. The Greek word for soul, psuche, is related to the word psychology, which has to do with the mind. We might say the soul resides in your mind – or perhaps your mind resides in your soul – and it is that part of you that thinks, feels, and remembers. Your soul can be contrasted with your body (see entrada for Matt. 10:28) and your spirit (see entrada for Luke 1:46–47).

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  1. Hi Paul! This is Steve Dennis. I am Soo thankful for your writings and commentary. It encourages me every day. Today I was reading in Heb 10:31(a) and noticed typo. It reads, “Since those in Christ ‘has’ nothing to fear…” I believe it should be ‘have’.
    Blessings to you and your family.😎

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